In addition to the decorative and eco-friendly effect they generate, roof gardens can provide much needed personal areas for home gardening and relaxing, at the same time acting as sound insulation and temperature control.

They also serve as a place of unparalleled recreation, on a height that provides views, lots of privacy and relaxation.


Make the most of every square meter possible, get an estimate.

The design of a roof garden begins considering your personal needs and uses, either for a barbecue with friends & family, to romantic spaces with a veranda, lush private scenery and a hot tub for  relaxing, in cool shady spots that take you to a secluded dwelling in the privacy of your own rooftop.

There are elements and materials that we combine and come in handy for the design of these amazing spaces such as wood, verandas, pots and exquisite outdoor furniture for hardscaping.